Day: May 9, 2023

How to protect your home from a pest infestationHow to protect your home from a pest infestation

You work hard to make your house feel like a home. However, the last thing you need is for pests to feel as welcome as your invited guests. Without the right preventative measures this is exactly what will occur, and your once cozy home will soon become the place that you dread to return after a long day at work.

No matter if you already have a pest infestation, or are looking to prevent one from arising in the future, a knowledge of the best preventative measure that you can put in place to deal with them is a major advantage to have.

Finding and eliminating pest infestations at the earliest possible stage by knowing the signs to look for can save you a huge amount of time, exertion, and money.

If your pest problems have grown beyond just one or two insects finding their way through an open door or window, the best option is to call a Pest Control Liverpool expert immediately.

DIY can be tempting but if this goes wrong the delay could be the difference between a 5 minute job for a professional and a lengthy treatment programme that goes on for several weeks and a significant amount of property damage that needs to be repaired.

From large squirrels and rats to the smallest of bed bugs or beetles, pests come in all different shapes and sizes. They all share the common goal of food and shelter, however, and all pose a significant threat to public health or property. This after all, is what makes them ‘pests’ in the first place.

Here are a few tips from pest control professionals for the best way to protect your property from the threat of pests.

Take care of the trash

trash cans

What is inedible food waste to you is a tasty treat for our pest friends and clearing away your rubbish regularly is key to a sanitary and pest free environment.

Avoid leaving dirty plates and packaging lying around and store all waste in sealed bins both inside and outside the home. Make sure that all your exterior bins are fitted with a self-closing lid and store any open food in sealed plastic containers whenever possible.

Seal potential entry points

Pests can only cause you issues if they are able to access your property, and whilst sealing every gap big enough for a fly may not be logistically possible, sealing any larger cracks and holes will certainly make it a lot more difficult for larger species such as rats and mice to find their way inside.

Pay particular attention to the external wall of your property and the area close to your roof, in sidings, flashing, and more. Grey squirrels will often use holes high up, or make their own, to access your attic space. If you do spot any such holes, call a pest professional immediately as they will be able to safely examine the hole to determine if it was made or is being used by any pest species.

Keep your home clean

Keeping your home clean is important for a number of reasons including both the physical and mental health of all residents. If you needed another reason to schedule in that long overdue spring clean, pest species thrive in dirty and unclean spaces, adding to the fitch by spreading it around the property on their feet and mouths.

Vacuuming and mopping your floors on a regular basis can help to remove some of the unseen debris that may attract pests in the first place and will make your property less appealing to these muck loving pests.

Don’t forget your garden

Pests might pose the biggest threat inside your home, but it is often your garden that attracts them in the first place. Take a good look around your garden and outside space for any signs of activity and consider planting some pest repelling plants to keep them as far away as possible.

Mint, lavender, and cloves are just three of the plants that are thought to be effective in deterring a variety of different insect species, all whilst providing your garden with a lovely scent and aesthetic.

Trim any trees that are growing close to the property to avoid giving squirrels and rats a bridge into your home and keep grass and bushes at a sensible length.

Call a pest professional

No-one knows how to get rid of, or prevent, a pest infestation better than a qualified BPCA accredited pest controller.

If you have seen signs of a pest infestation, or simply want some expert advice on how to prevent them from moving into your home in the future, look up a local Liverpool pest control expert and give them a call as soon as you can.